energy healing:
my practice is centered in Reiki energy healing and the lineage work of my blood/star\lines. my approach is intuitive, holistic and is rooted in visions of em(bodi(ment, rest\/oration, and be/long\ing. i intentionally gather the offerings to meet your individual needs. connecting and re/\balancing that which has been stolen, buried, and disconnected through generational trauma, oppression, and lost cultures. this work is elemental and calls upon the specificity and uniqueness of the elements within you. the practices are held in pleasure, radical rest, and liberatory grief.
these services are offered for everyone and i am centering bodies who have experienced and survived childhood sexual abuse, incest, and sexual violence. the constellation of this work weaves and is not limited to:
re/\choosing yourself, seeding and watering self-love and offering yourself consent. homecoming ceremonies for your intuition and trust. re/member\ing being. healing sexual expressions and liberating desires. rituals for eros, and the gathering of all of who you are\were\willbe. inner-child/\little-one tending, parenting, and celebrating. re/\learning transitions, gravity, and sensitivities. practices of re/\association specifically for those who have been gaslit, groomed and learned to dissociate as a surviving tool.
death work services:
this is ritual work. this is ceremony. this is a meeting place between your values, beliefs, needs, longings, thresholds, peoples, and my holding and tending to all you will allow and invite me to. untamed tears, ancient laughter, grief practices for generations past and generations to come, are all here and more. this is the turning of the soil with bare hands; you, me, and the unknown.
these services are offered for everyone and i am centering trans, non-binary, gender non-confirming, gender-fluid, intersex, and queer bodies and galaxies. the constellation of this work weaves and is not limited to:
rituals for dead-names, for completion, for letting go, for returning to the earth. and the spiritual, physical (even bureaucratic) anointing of true-names.
making sure our families of choice, our heart-kin, our true care-takers and namesakes are able to holistically, fully, and legally take care of us, advocate for us, and tend to us in all the ways we desire and deserve. may we die with dignity and live in freedom. everything from advance-directive support and gatherings, to end-of-life plans and ceremonies, to navigating institutions that do not know how to care for our multidimensional bodies and communities.
making ritual for the multiple delicate sheddings, deaths, and rebirths we unfurl through in our personal and communal live/s.
BIPOC folx are offered 20% off on all services. 10% of all proceeds will be given to Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy
the binary-funeral-procession continues here. may we do so with care, and remember to fill in the now empty spaces with the seeds of liberation.